Recent and upcoming activities:


Invited Speaker @ Ricercatori in Algebra e Geometria 2024

"La Statale" University of Milan , Italy


IST Austria

Invited Speaker @ Seminario di Algebra & Geometria, "La Sapienza" University of Rome

Past talks:

Sep '23

XXIV International Workshop for Young Mathematicians "Representation Theory", Jagiellonian University Krakow

Minicourse: Coxeter Groups and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials. (See the course website for more info)
Sep '23

XII congresso UMI, Section ``Lie Theory'', Pisa (Italy),

The charge of a representation through the geometry of the affine Grassmannian
Jun '23

ARTIG 2 (Algebras and Representation Theory in Germany) Meeting, Stuttgart (Germany),

Charge, Atoms and Crystals in Representation Theory.
Jun '23

SPACE Seminar, University of Tours (France),

Charge, Atoms and Crystals in Representation Theory.
Apr '23

Seminar on Combinatorics and Lie Theory and Topology, Pisa (Italy),

Charge, Atoms and Crystals in Representation Theory.
Sep '22

INdAM Meeting ”Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis meet Al- ’22 gebra, Geometry, Topology”, Cortona (Italy)

Using GKM graphs to construct statistics in representation theory.
Jul ’22

AMS-SMF-EMS Joint International Meeting: Special Session on Modular Representation Theory, Grenoble (France)

Charges and atoms in the affine Grassmannian
Apr '22

Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Geometric Representation Theory, Oberwolfach (Ger- many)

The Geometric Satake equivalence and the Finkelberg–Mirkovic conjecture
Jul '21

Workshop: Enveloping Algebras and Geometric Representation Theory, Oberwolfach (Germany)

Apr '22

Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar, University of Cologne

Jul '21

Conference: IMPANGA 20 "Schubert Varieties", Banach Center, Poland

Charges via the affine Grassmannian
Jul '21

Oberseminar Darstellungstheorie, University of Bonn

Charges via the affine Grassmannian, Slides
Feb '21

NatSci Colloquium, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies

Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials: recent results and open questions
Oct '20

Pure Maths Seminar, University of East Anglia, Norwich (UK)

Bases of intersection cohomology of Schubert varieties and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials.
Jul '20

RepNet Virtual Seminar, Online

Extending Schubert calculus to intersection cohomology, Slides
Apr '20

ARTS - Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar, University of Rome "Tor Vergata" (online)

The quest for bases of the intersection cohomology of Schubert varieties
Feb '20

Algebra Seminar, University of Sydney

p-hybrid bases of the Hecke algebra
Feb '20

Conference: New Connections in Representation Theory, Mooloolaba (Australia)

The quest for bases of the intersection cohomology of Schubert varieties, Slides
Jun '19

Seminar: Groupes, Representations et Geometrie, University Paris Diderot

Dyck partitions and the intersection cohomology of Schubert varieties
May '19

Conference: Forms, Flags, Graphs, and Beyond, University of Ottawa

Dyck partitions and the intersection cohomology of Schubert varieties
Apr '19

Algebra Seminar, University of Florence

Moment graph and the combinatorics of Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials
Nov '18

Workshop: Enveloping Algebras and Geometric Representation Theory, Oberwolfach (Germany)

Minimal reflections and the coefficient of q in Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials
Sep '18

Conference: Theorie Geometrique des Representations, Besse (France)

Moment graphs, Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials and combinatorics
May '18

Algebra Seminar, University of Oregon, Eugene (USA)

Moment graphs, Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials and combinatorics
Apr '18

Group and Representation Theory Seminar, MSRI, Berkeley (USA)

Moment graphs, Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials and combinatorics., Notes of the talk
Jul '17

Oberseminar: Algebra, Zahlentheorie und algebraische Geometrie, University of Freiburg (Germany)

Some consequences from Hodge theory in representation theory, Notes of the talk
May '17

Quinto Incontro Combinatoria Sistemi di Radici (Fifth Meeting on Combinatorics of Root Systems), Cortona (Italy)

Some Applications of Hodge Theory in Representation Theory
May '17

Seminario di Algebra, Geometria e Combinatorica, University of Pisa

Hodge theory in the Hecke algebra and in Representation Theory
Apr '17

Pure Mathematics Seminar, University of Queensland, Brisbane (Australia)

Some Applications of Hodge Theory in Representation Theory
Oct '16

Representation Theory Seminar, RIMS Kyoto (Japan)

The Hard Lefschetz Theorem in Positive Characteristic for Flag Varieties, , Notes of the talk
Aug '16

Koszul Duality and Soergel's Conjecture Seminar, MPIM Bonn

Examples of Koszul duality
Nov '15

Path Model Afternoon, MPIM Bonn

Littelmann's Path Model
Aug '15

Summer School on Koszul Duality, Bad Driburg (Germany)

Perverse Sheaves on the Flag Varieties
Feb '15

Seminar on mixed Hodge modules, MPIM Bonn

Introduction to Mixed Hodge Stuctures
Apr '14

Lie Theory Seminar, University of Pisa

Localization of g-modules